Ning 3 Help

Transfer Ownership of a Ning Network

Transfer Ownership of a Ning Network

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As a Network Creator, you have full control over your Ning Network. You have several tools available to you to help you moderate your Ning Network but sometimes you need a bit of help, especially as your Ning Network grows larger.

You can promote members to network administrators, which will give them many of the same privileges that you, as the Network Creator, have. You can also transfer ownership of a single Ning Network by contacting the Ning Team.

Transfer Network Creator status on a single Ning Network

You can transfer one of the Ning Networks you’ve created to another person or account. This change must be made by the Ning Team. If you’re interested in this type of transfer, please fill out this form.

Once you submit the form, we will contact you with steps needed to complete this process.

Promote Administrators to help you moderate your Ning Network

If you’d like some extra help on your Ning Network, but want to remain ultimately in control, you can give other members of your network administrative abilities. Administrators cannot delete the Ning Network or take it offline; access the Privacy Settings, Feature Controls, Network Details or Analytics sections of your Ning Network; or give or take Administrator privileges on your Ning Network.

To promote a member to Administrator status, select the member icon from the green administrative toolbar that appears in the upper left corner of your network when you are signed in as the Network Creator.  This will take you to the Member Management panel.  From here, click on “Members.” Check the box next to the person you’d like to make an administrator, then select “Administrator” from the “Set Role…” drop-down menu.

Check out the related articles for more information on promoting administrators and managing your Ning Network.

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