Ning 3 Help

Grab The RSS Feed For A Feature On Your Network

Grab The RSS Feed For A Feature On Your Network

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If your Ning Network is public, it will generate RSS feeds for some of the features on your network, such as Forum Discussions.  These features currently generate RSS feeds on public Ning 3.0 Networks:

You can use a Feed Reader (like this one from FeedReader) to keep up with the action on your network. If you’re a member of multiple Ning Networks, this can help you keep it all in one place.

To add an RSS feed from your Ning Network to another website, just locate the content you’d like to follow. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the RSS icon (it looks like a radio signal), which will open up the feed.

You can copy the URL of this RSS feed. For forums, it looks like this: You can get even more specific and follow only forum discussions from a particular category or even forum discussions with a particular tag.

Next, go to your external website or feedreader of choice. One good feed reader you could use is FeedReader, which is easy to configure. To add a feed, click the “Add the new feed” link in the lower left corner of the page. Paste your feed into the field next to “Address” and click “Add the feed.”

Once your feed has successfully been added, you’ll see its content display in the reader immediately.

If you run an external website or blog, adding an RSS feed from your Ning Network to your external website is a great way to integrate the two. For more tips on integrating your Ning Network with your external website, check out this article. You can also add external RSS feeds to your network via RSS feed reader widgets like this one.

If your Ning Network is private, it will not generate RSS feeds for any content on your Ning Network to protect the privacy of members.

To troubleshoot an RSS issue, first Ensure the RSS Feed on Your Network Is Working

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