Ning 3 Help

Edit Profile Information

Edit Profile Information

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To edit your profile page settings and information, click on the “Options” button that appears at the top of the profile page.  Select “Edit Profile” to access your Profile Settings page.  If you want to change your profile photo or cover photo, select those options from the drop-down menu.  You can upload, rotate or delete your profile photo.  You can also upload or delete your cover photo.  As the Network Creator or an administrator on a network, you will additionally be able to rotate or delete members’ photos or delete members’ cover photos.

If you choose to delete a profile photo or cover photo, a light box will pop up, prompting you to confirm that you’re sure of this action.  Items that are deleted cannot be retrieved on the network.  Opting to upload a photo will open up your computer’s files, while opting to rotate will automatically rotate the photo 90 degrees.

Clicking to edit your profile will take you and your members to a page where you can change sign in credentials, or if you have added profile questions, answers to these can be added or edited from this page.

Your profile page URL can also be edited from this page.

To change email settings on the network, click on the Email tab. This section lets you and your members determine which kind of email notifications you’d like to receive from the network.

Interested in receiving message broadcasts?
Make sure to check the boxes next to “A message from [this network]” and “A message sent to multiple recipients”!

See “Control Email Settings and Messages” for more information on receiving notifications from the network.

To connect your account to a social media account, such as Facebook, for sign in or social sharing purposes, click on the Connections tab. Here, you’ll be able to set up integrations between your personal account and your social media accounts. See “Allow Members to Sign Up and Sign In with Other Services” for detailed instructions on setting up these additional connection options on your network.

Members who wish to leave the network at any point will additionally see a “Leave this Ning Network” link at the bottom of the Profile Settings page. A light box will pop up, asking you to confirm if you wish to leave the network.  There will also be an option to delete your content at this time.  Please note that once content is deleted from the network, it cannot be retrieved at a later time. 

This link will not display to the Network Creator, as the Network Creator cannot leave the network they created.

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