Ning 3 Help

Create an Invitation Tab

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Networks thrive on activity, but before you can generate activity on your network, you’ll need members. You can do this through your network’s Invite Your Contacts page at

You can invite people to join your Ning 3.0 network in a number of ways:

To increase membership at a faster rate, why not extend this ability to your members? While not all of these options will be available to your members, you can make it easier for them to invite their friends and contacts by copying the URL in the address bar and creating a tab for it in your network’s navigation menu. To do that, head over to your network’s Site & Pages manager and click on the “Add a Page” button in the Main Navigation section.

Select “Link” from the drop-down menu, set the status of your URL page as “Published. Then give your tab a name and enter your network’s Invitations page URL in the “URL” field.

Your invitation URL will look like this:

Save your changes, and now when your members go to your network, they’ll be able to click on the invitation tab you created and invite their friends to come join them on your network! Here’s what a member on your network will see on this page:

Make sure to replace “yournetwork” in with your network’s subdomain.

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