If you have an outstanding balance on your account due to declined payments, here are a few things you can try:
- Make sure that there are sufficient funds in your account to cover your overdue balance.
If you have an outstanding balance on your account due to declined payments, here are a few things you can try:
As a Network Creator, you can create a Facebook App that allows members to leave Facebook comments and share it with their friends!… Read more
Ning Networks come with a member search function. If you’d like to enable everyone to be able to search for content on your network as well, you can add a Google Custom Search bar to your network.… Read more
When you have just created a Ning Network but have not yet created any pages, you may find that you encounter a “Network Offline” page.… Read more
Networks thrive on activity, but before you can generate activity on your network, you’ll need members.… Read more
The Site & Pages Social Site Builder is the place to go to build your network.… Read more
Change the name of your Ning Network as it appears at the top of your Ning Network, in email notifications and elsewhere.… Read more
No one likes spam, and there are many features you can take advantage of to prevent spam from appearing on your network:
We’ve added a Spam Watchlist to the Moderation area of your Members dashboard panel.… Read more