Ning 3 Help

Add HTML to a Page

Add HTML to a Page

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You can easily add HTML directly to any page you’ve created on your Network. To do this, you’ll need to add an HTML section to your custom page or to a feature instance by either creating a new page or editing an existing one.

Add HTML to a New Page

To add an HTML section to a new Page, head over to your Dashboard and click on the Social Site Manager icon. If you’d like to create a New Page under the Main Navigation, select the “+Add a Page” link under “Main Navigation.” If you’d prefer that your New Page be unlinked to the Main Navigation, select the “+Add a Page” link under “Unlinked Pages”. Select “Custom” for the “Page Type.” Decide whether your page is published or unpublished under “Status” and be sure to add a Page Title. Next, choose your Navigation and General settings. Under “Layout & Content,” pick your Page Layout.

Now you’re ready to add an HTML section. Click on “Add Content” and select “HTML” from the “Content Type” drop-down menu. If you’d like, you can also title this section. Paste your HTML directly into the HTML Box and click “Add.” Be sure to click “Save” to update your new Page!

Add HTML to an Existing Page

Head to your Dashboard and click on the Social Site Manager. Locate and select the tab for the Custom Page you’d like to add an HTML section to. Under “Layout & Content,” Click on “Add Section.” From “Content Type” choose “HTML.”

You have the option to also name this section by adding a Title. Next, paste your HTML directly into the HTML Box and click “Add.” You can adjust the placement of your HTML section by dragging and dropping it on your page layout. Click “Save” and you’re done!

HTML Content sections can be added to any feature instance on your network through the Site & Pages manager. HTML that you add to a feature instance, such as to a Photos feature instance, will appear on every page of that feature, including the Photo listing page and photo detail pages.

Interested in having ads appear on your network? Want them to persist across all pages? Check out Sign Up for Google AdSense for information on adding Google AdSense (or any) ads to your network, across all pages or just to a single page!

Add HTML to a Below Header or Above Footer HTML Box

You can also add HTML to a Below Header HTML Box or an Above Footer HTML Box. These two boxes are great places to add ad code, though you can also use these spaces for images, videos, or other content as you see fit. One thing to keep in mind is that these two boxes do not include any text editor, as the intended use is for pasting in HTML code.

If you want to add a persistent Google ad code to this space, check the box next to “Use default below header HTML” and click on the “default below header HTML” link. Paste your code into the new window that pops up and click “OK.” Click “Update” and then click “Save,” and now you’ll have ads that appear in the same position across all pages of your network.

Let’s start create a website with Ning.


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