You can provide members with administrative tools to help you manage your Ning Network, but without giving them full access to all administrative features on your network. To create different levels of administrators, go to the Members tab and click on “Administrative Roles”.

On the Manage Roles page, click “Add a Role.” You’ll see all the different permissions that you can grant to administrators.

You can appoint a member to moderate a single feature or multiple features.
After you have selected the mix of features and content items that you want a member to moderate, click “Save” to create that role. Once the role has been created, you can appoint members to the role back on the Members page. And, to save you time, energy and repetition, you can assign as many members as you’d like to a particular role — and create up to 20 roles.

Here’s the breakdown of the specific permissions you can grant to a role:
- View list of members;
- Actions: Add and Remove Category, Add to a Group, Suspend from Network, Suspend for Spam;
- Reinstate a suspended user and delete a suspended user’s content;
- Resend or cancel invitations;
- If member moderation is on, approve pending members.
Member Categories
- Create, view, and edit Member Categories
Member ranking system
- Create and manage personal achievements
Content Management
- Moderate all types of content on the Moderation page
- View Invoices
- Cancel recurring payments
- Create\moderate paywalls, donations, discount campaigns
- View transaction analytics
- Manage payment methods
Site & Pages
- Create/remove network pages
- Add/remove widgets on pages
- Manage the main navigation menu
- Update description, URL, title of pages
- Update tab titles
- Manage permissions to view/add content