Ning Help Center

Using Notes in Different Ways

Using Notes in Different Ways

5 (100%) 1 vote

One of the great things about the Notes feature is that there are tons of possible uses for it!

Using Notes in Different Ways

Here are a few example uses for the Notes feature:

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): As a Network Creator, your members probably ask you a lot of questions about using the Ning Network. You can create an FAQ section using the Notes feature with your own FAQs or your favorite entries from our Help Center.

About Us: Write a mission statement for your Ning Network and post it for all visitors to see. A mission statement or About Us section is a great way to define what the Ning Network is about and why you created it.

Community Guidelines: You can post the specific guidelines and terms you want all of your members to follow, and point them to this page whenever necessary. It’s helpful for new members to know what is and isn’t acceptable on your Ning Network.

New Member Guide: Posting a few tips on how to get started on your Ning Network will help new members feel welcomed and might prompt them to become active members right away. Don’t forget to introduce yourself as the Network Creator!

Linkroll:  Post any links your members might be interested in, such as a list of members’ external blogs or mentions of your Ning Network in the news.

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