Ning Help Center

Prevent Discussions from Being Deleted by Members

Prevent Discussions from Being Deleted by Members

3.67 (73.33%) 3 votes

Your network is full of healthy discussions, with many contributors joining in after each discussion’s creator. By default, the person who creates a discussion can delete those discussions whenever they like. However, as the Network Creator or admin, you have the option to prevent active discussions from being deleted by the author.

From the Forum > Features page on your dashboard, you can choose who has the ability to delete active discussions. By default, administrators and the discussion author has the ability to delete a discussion. But now you can choose to only allow administrators to delete “active” discussions — those discussions in which someone in addition to the author has added a reply. This applies to all forums on your network, including forums within groups.

This feature is especially useful if you are worried about a member leaving and destroying the context of a conversation. If “Administrators only” is enabled on your network, active discussions will not be removed even if a member leaves. The only visible change will be the removal of the author’s profile picture. Suspended members, though, will still have all of their discussions removed.

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