Ning Help Center

Manage Your API Keys

Manage Your API Keys

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Ning Pro Networks now have access to the Ning API, which allows external applications to create, update and retrieve content on your Ning Network.  To access the Ning API, you need to create an API key for each application that will be accessing information on your Ning Network.  An API key is a code generated by your Ning Network to allow you to access the Ning API.  Test Networks also have their own API keys that can be used to try out new applications on your sandbox without having to activate them right away on your Live Network.

You can give your API keys to developers you’re working with to build a custom application for your Ning Network, use them in the creation of apps you’re building, or enter them into the interface of one of our mobile application partners.  To create an API key, click on the “Ning API” link under the Tools section of your My Network tab.

To generate an API key, click the “Add Key” link and enter a name for your key.

After you click “OK” on the lightbox, you’ll see your new API key appear in the management list.  You can edit your key any time by clicking the pencil icon on its right and can delete it by clicking the “x.”

Once you’ve created API keys, you can also track their usage directly from this page, learn about Ning Everywhere to see what you can do with your API keys, and choose your API request plan.  All API calls are free through 2011, and our team will notify any Network Creators using the Ning API before we begin charging for plans in 2011.

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