Ning Help Center

Give a Gift

Give a Gift

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The “Give a Gift” link can be found in the following places on a Ning Network:

Clicking the “Give a Gift” link will open the Gift Store:

Choose a gift by browsing through the Gift Store categories and clicking the “Next” button to flip through pages of Gifts. If you’re looking for a specific gift, use the search field in the upper right hand corner of the Gift Store. You can sort gifts by “Featured,” “Newest,” “Price (low to high)” and “Selling Out.”

Enter a message by scrolling to the bottom of the Gift Store and entering text into the message box.

Set the privacy of the gift by choosing “Public” or “Private.” Choosing “Anonymous” will remove your name from the gift.

You can view your credit balance just beneath the “Send Gift” button. If you have not yet purchased any credits, there will not be any balance noted beneath the button. If you don’t have enough available credits for the gift purchase, you will be prompted to purchase additional credits via PayPal after you click on “Send Gift.”

Once a gift is sent, it will appear in the Latest Activity feed in addition to the the recipient’s Comment Wall and Gifts Received module on their My Page. Where a gift appears will depend on the privacy settings of the gift and the settings of the Ning Network.

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