Many Ning Networks function in languages other than English. If you have set your Ning Network’s language to a language other than English, you may find that not all of the words are translated. If you encounter this on your network, you can edit it with the Language Editor.
To edit any words that haven’t been translated automatically, go to your My Network tab and click on Language Editor under the “Settings” section. Choose the language that your Ning Network is running on and click the “Edit” button. On the page that opens, select “Show Missing Text” from the drop-down menu under the “Custom Text” header and click on the “Filter” button. All instances of text on your network that have not been automatically translated will appear below. The current text as it appears on your network will be on the left side and a space for you to make your adjustments will be on the right.
Be sure to click the “Save Page” button at the bottom of the page before moving on to the next page.