Ning Help Center

Customize Your Network’s Media Players

Customize Your Network’s Media Players

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You can customize your network’s media players (this includes music players, video players and badges) in the Design Studio. Open up the Design Studio and go to the Customize panel. There, click on the Media Players tab and you’ll see that you can change the text, player or playlist colors.

The watermark is a stamp to help brand and promote your network. You can choose from the Network Icon, Network Name, a custom image, or no branding at all. This watermark will only appear on your embedded media players (for example, if someone embeds your media player on their own external website or blog), and not on your built-in Video Player, Music Player, or Photo Slideshow.

Save your changes by clicking “Publish” and you’ll then see these customizations apply to your media players.

If your network is using the Classic Appearance Editor (this is only available on older networks),you can customize your Ning Network’s media players by choosing the color scheme, as well as the watermark, that will appear. To do this, just navigate to the Appearance page from the My Network tab.

Click on any color bar to open up an entire pallette. If you want to restore your color scheme to the default theme settings, just click “Reset these colors”.

Choose an option for your watermark, and click “Save”. You’re all set!

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