Ning Help Center

Create a Photo Album

Create a Photo Album

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You can create a photo album that includes any of the photos on your Ning Network, even those you didn’t upload. To create an album, head to the Photos page and click the “All Albums” link at the top.  Next, click the link to “Add an Album” in the upper right corner of the page.

On the album creation page, you can select whether you want to choose from just your photos or from everyone’s photos on the Ning Network. You can also choose from only photos with a specific tag.

The photos you can add to your album will appear in the box on the left. Drag the photos you want to be in your album into position in the right pane. You can drag the photo that you’d like to appear as the album’s cover to the box under the “Your Album” heading or it will automatically be the first photo in the album.  Also in that area you’ll see the fields to give your album a title and a description. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page to make your album available to the rest of the network.

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