As a Network Creator, you can designate most any profile question on your Ning Network as “Private.” When a profile question is private, only you, your administrators and the member who answered the question can see the answers to private questions. Private profile questions are a great way to gather information about your members that they might not want to be publicly available.
While certain questions cannot be made private, they can be removed, or you can uncheck the “Required” box to the right of these questions. One question that cannot be removed is the birth date question. Members, while they must supply this information in order to sign up, can later go to their settings and choose to not display this information.
To set a profile question as “Private,” go to your My Network tab and click on profile questions under the “Members” section. Check the box next to “Private” for each particular question. Members will see their own answers to private profile questions on their Profile Page with a lock icon next to it, indicating that it’s private.
Be sure to click “Save” when you’re done!