As a Network Creator, you can keep track of why members leave your Ning Network. When a member leaves, they are given the option to write a note explaining why they left. To access this information, just click on the “Management” link under the Members section of your My Network page. From here, select “Left” from the drop-down menu under the Members tab. This will bring up only these members.
A note will appear as a hyperlink. Click on it to have it open in a pop-up window.
If a member has left your Ning Network and deleted his or her content, that member’s name will appear in black and will display your network’s default profile photo. Any members who left without deleting their content will appear on your Manage Members page in blue, and you will be able to delete this member’s content at any time.
Please note that the members who have left can also delete their content at any time.
You can view content that hasn’t been deleted by clicking on the former member’s name and going to that member’s modified profile page.