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Charge for Pages with Paid Access

Charge for Pages with Paid Access

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With Paid Access, Network Creators can charge for access to pages such as reports, articles, or pages with media on them.

You have the option to set up paywalls for pages you have created, and can either charge a fixed price or ask for a donation on the paywall. A paywall is an area that requires payment to access a Group, Page or Network.

Setting a Fixed Price for a Page

To get started, head over to the page you’d like to create a paywall for and click on the Options drop-down menu located on the right side of the page.

Select the Charge for this Page option.

The first screen you’ll encounter is the Set Membership Length and Cost screen. You’ll see two options: set a fixed price for the page or ask for a donation. Here is what the fixed price screen looks like:

When setting a fixed price, you can choose more than one rate plan in case you want to offer an incentive to sign up for longer terms by discounting the price.

Setting up Donations for access to Pages

If you choose to ask your members for a donation to view your pages you’ll see this screen:

Please note that for this option you can set a suggested donation price, as well as establish a minimum and maximum donation range to show your members a price range instead of a longer list of prices. By setting minimum and maximum donations, you create a sliding scale for members to sign up under. By setting $0 as the donation minimum, you give members the ability to pay if they can or not pay if they can’t.

You’ll also need to set the membership length for the donations by selecting from the drop-down menu.

When you’re ready, click Continue” for a preview of what your members will see when they visit your page.

Here’s what your members will see if you choose to charge a fixed price for a page:

On the preview page, you can customize the message your members will see when they see this page. You have two areas on this screen that you can modify. We suggest that you consider:

• Describing the benefits members get in return for payment (250 characters max).
• Provide a general overview of what type of premium content they may see on this page (600 characters max).

When you like what you see, close the preview window and click “Continue”.

Next, you’ll be prompted to select from three options for charging existing group members: Don’t pay, ever; Give free access for a set period of time; or No special treatment.

If you choose the second option, make sure to indicate how many free months you’d like to allow.

When you’ve made your selection, click “Continue”. The next page you see will let you review all your Paywall settings for this page and make edits if needed.

Once you’ve reviewed your Paywall, click “Publish” to activate it or choose “Save for Later”.  Note that you can always access your Published and Saved paywalls in your Paid Access home page.

Once you click “Publish”, you’ll see a confirmation message on your screen so you know Paid Access has been activated for your page!

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