Ning Help Center

Change Your Email Address During Email Verification

Change Your Email Address During Email Verification

2.87 (57.33%) 15 votes

If you accidentally entered an incorrect or mispelled email address to sign up on a Ning Network, you’ll need to change it to a valid email address before it can be verified.

First, try to sign in to the Ning Network with this same email address and password. Instead of landing on the network’s Main Page, you’ll be redirected to a page with a message box saying, “Verify Your Email Address.” Click on the link that says, “Need to resend the email, change your address, or get help?” This will take you to the “Problems Verifying Your Email Address?” message box. Click on the second link on that page that says, “Click here to change your email address.”

Once you’re on the “Change Your Email Address” page, you’ll need to enter your new, valid email address and confirm it. This will need to be an address you have not previously used.

Please note that you cannot change your email address to one already in use or previously used on this network (unless the account has been deleted).

Type in your password and click “Save.”

A verification email will now be sent to your valid or new email address. Click on the verification link in that email, and you should be all set to sign in to the network now with your updated email address!

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