Ning Help Center

Add Twitter Tracker to Your Profile Page

Add Twitter Tracker to Your Profile Page

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Twitter Tracker is a Profile App developed by Ning that tracks mentions of your favorite terms across Twitter. To add Twitter Tracker, click on the “Add Applications” link that appears in the left column of your profile page, beneath your photo. If this button doesn’t appear, it means the Network Creator has disabled Profile Apps. Twitter Tracker is a Recommended Profile App and appears in the “Messaging” category.

Once you add Twitter Tracker, you’ll be able to add whatever search terms you like. Click “Settings” at the top-right of the module to choose which terms to track and how many results to display:

Once you’ve got the settings you’re looking for, click “Save”. You can always make further changes by clicking “Settings” again.

Your Twitter Tracker will display the latest results for your favorite search terms. If more results pop up while you’re on your profile page, you can click the refresh button to see them:


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