Ning Help Center

Add Friends

Add Friends

5 (100%) 1 vote

If you find someone on your Ning Network you’d like to be able to send private messages to or invite to your groups or events, you can add them as your friend on the Ning Network. You can even add a note to your friend request to them. Once you add them as a friend, they’ll receive a notification that you’d like to be friends. They can then choose to accept the friend request and become friends with you, or ignore the request.

To send a friend request to someone on the social network, go to their profile page. Click the “Add as friend” link under their profile photo. A confirmation window will pop up. If you’d like to add a note to your friend request, click the “Add a personal message” link. Some people don’t feel comfortable accepting friend requests from people they don’t know, so this is a great way to let them know how you might know each other or why you’d like to be friends.

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