Ning Help Center

Add a PayPal Donation Button to Your Site

Add a PayPal Donation Button to Your Site

5 (100%) 6 votes

Don’t want to deter new members with a paywall, but want to give those good-hearted samaritans the opportunity to support your hard work? Adding a customized donate button can generate enough extra cash to keep you motivated and pay the bills. You can create a PayPal Donate Button directly from PayPal. Make sure your button is placed prominently throughout your site for it to be most effective. Or, simply Add the Donate App that’s provided by Ning. Both are free, although PayPal does take a small percentage of payments processed through their service.

Here’s how to add the PayPal button they provide on their site:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account
  2. Head to your Profile tab
  3. Click “My Selling Tools” from the drop down menu
  4. Find PayPal buttons listed under Selling Online and click “Get Started”
  5. Select “Donations” from the dropdown menu
  6. By default, you will be directed to the page with HTML code for a Website, copy this code and add it to a text box on your main page (or wherever you want the button to appear)

That should do it, but if you find that the <form> code gets stripped, you’ll need to follow these additional steps:

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