Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

Top 6 Link Building Strategies to Grow Your Website Authority and Improve SEO

Being one of the essential factors influencing SEO (search engine optimization), link building is a laborious and time-consuming process of placing your links on other websites.

In our previous post, What Is Link Building? The Basics Every Website Owner Must Know, we have already scratched the surface of this complex topic by figuring out why backlink building is so important and what factors determine its success.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

What Is Link Building? The Basics Every Website Owner Must Know

Being the essential SEO technique, link building plays a vital role in achieving high ranking positions on search engines like Google. In plain terms, link building is a process of acquiring links leading from other websites to yours. That is, the more web pages out there refer to your site, the better it is for your visibility and credibility on the internet.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

The Best 10 SEO Tools Every Online Marketer Should Explore in 2018

SEO, standing for ‘search engine optimization’, is the issue that seems to concern every earnest online marketer today. In fact, 61% of businesses see SEO and growing their organic online presence as the top priority in terms of inbound marketing. And rightfully so. SEO determines whether your business is visible online or gets lost among the competitors.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

25 Types of Content to Increase Traffic and Boost Your Business

Content marketing is becoming one of the most popular ways to attract customers and increase sales for all kinds of businesses. It appears that 89% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers are actively using content as the essential tool for their promotion strategies. Surprising? Not really. According to the recent surveys, 82% of people actually enjoy consuming content from companies and 73% of buyers prefer to get acquainted with brands namely through articles rather than ads.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

What Is SEO Content? Tips for Building a Successful SEO Content Strategy

There’s nothing surprising in the fact that 93% of all online experiences start with a search engine. Every time you need a product, service, or information, you go to Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine available because this is the most convenient way of finding stuff.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Channel for Your Business

Whatever the scale of your business, the internet can make it grow faster. This is the truth almost every industry has acknowledged in the recent years. It is reported that 3,773 billion people, which accounts for more than a half of the world’s population, are active internet users; 2,789 billion of them are on social media. It is simply unaffordable to ignore the statistics like that if you reckon yourself among forward-thinking entrepreneurs. Nowadays, people literally live on the internet: they communicate, search for information, and buy products online. But how do you leverage this to boost your business? The solution is digital marketing.

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