What Is Public Relations?
Remember Sprite’s advertisement from the 90’s which used the tagline “Image is nothing. Thirst is everything”? Well, for most brands and public personalities, this couldn’t be further from reality.
Remember Sprite’s advertisement from the 90’s which used the tagline “Image is nothing. Thirst is everything”? Well, for most brands and public personalities, this couldn’t be further from reality.
What do you usually do when you stumble across an ugly-looking and poorly optimized website? Do you stay and continue struggling against all odds in order to find the information you came for? Unlikely. Why would you even bother if there are so many other websites out there? Your time is valuable, and so is the time of other internet users. This is why good usability is considered to be the cornerstone of web design, determining whether a site will serve its intended purpose.
SEO, standing for ‘search engine optimization’, is the issue that seems to concern every earnest online marketer today. In fact, 61% of businesses see SEO and growing their organic online presence as the top priority in terms of inbound marketing. And rightfully so. SEO determines whether your business is visible online or gets lost among the competitors.
In the digital age, the concept of ‘design’ has drastically changed. Nowadays, this term covers not only graphic design but also new forms of digital product design. Their primary objective is to create user-friendly interfaces. The primary requirements are practicality, intuitiveness, and convenience. And it is namely the UI and UX design that are meant to meet these requirements.
Knowing that YouTube is the second top ranking site on the web, using it for business purposes seems to be a no-brainer. Indeed, YouTube has around 1.58 billion users worldwide, and many of them visit the website every single day. With an outreach potential like that, it is one of the most powerful digital marketing channels to date. Even more so when live stream videos have become so increasingly popular these days.
Being the essential SEO technique, link building plays a vital role in achieving high ranking positions on search engines like Google. In plain terms, link building is a process of acquiring links leading from other websites to yours. That is, the more web pages out there refer to your site, the better it is for your visibility and credibility on the internet.
Regardless of your industry, taking a close and critical look at your business is always a good thing to do. For one, this allows you to identify your essential strengths and weaknesses, as well as evaluate your chances for success and risks you may encounter. Furthermore, gaining a profound insight into the core factors influencing the effectiveness and profitability of your business is necessary for building your further development strategies. This is where a SWOT analysis comes in.
Being one of the essential factors influencing SEO (search engine optimization), link building is a laborious and time-consuming process of placing your links on other websites.
In our previous post, What Is Link Building? The Basics Every Website Owner Must Know, we have already scratched the surface of this complex topic by figuring out why backlink building is so important and what factors determine its success.
Got a phenomenal business idea meant to bring you a big fortune? Way to go! But don’t hurry to invest everything you’ve got to embody your masterplan. Before you take any meaningful steps toward your goal, be it manufacturing a product, creating a business website, renting an office or finding investors, there’s nothing more important than undertaking a market research in order to figure out whether your product or service is in demand, who your potential customers are, and how much of a competition you should expect entering the industry.
Why do you prefer one color to another? Why does red mean “stop,” while green stands for “go”? Why does an optimist see things through rose-tinted spectacles, and a pessimist feels blue?
On the one hand, the way we perceive colors depends on the physiology of our eyes and nervous system, as well as personal life experiences and the environment.
Think your content marketing covers all popular web resources? Then you will be surprised to know there’s one more you’ve probably missed out on. It’s SlideShare – the most popular service for creating, sharing, and promoting presentations online.
If you deal with web development or internet marketing, you are most likely aware of what the abbreviation “API” stands for. Or at least you must have heard of the term at some point and know what’s behind it. For those who are new to programming, we’ll try to explain what an API is in the simplest terms possible.