
Ally Windsea
Ally Windsea


By this time, every digital marketer has learned that content is king. If you want to get in the spotlight and reach your audience effectively, you need to produce a lot of high-quality content. Your goal is not just to capture the attention of your potential customers, but to keep them engaged in a long-term perspective. Your content must be there to accompany your prospects throughout their entire customer journey and beyond.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson


Every marketer knows that the key to successful social media promotion is the ability to adapt your marketing strategy to the current trends. Social media evolve with an incredible pace, and if you really want to reach your audience effectively, you have to keep up.

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Ashley Kingsey
Ashley Kingsey


Promoting your brand on social media can be a real time sink. At the end of the day, managing multiple social accounts, creating original posts, and engaging with the audience online is a lot of work. And let’s face it, social media marketing isn’t cheap too, especially if your strategy is based on paid advertising.

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Marc Andreessen
Marc Andreessen


Driving organic traffic to your website or blog is a serious challenge in itself. One thing is to create engaging content, and another is to make it visible on the internet. While it isn’t easy to convince search engines like Google that your content is “the one”, the need to appear on SERPs (search engine results pages) persists as long as you want your audience to find you easily online.

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Marc Andreessen
Marc Andreessen


Social media marketing can hardly be effective without monitoring the attitude of customers toward the brand and its products. While in traditional marketing such monitoring requires through field research and surveying focus groups, the process is considerably less labor-intensive when it comes to social media marketing. Why? Because it is fully amenable to automation thanks to a variety of tools that can help you obtain the necessary data.

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Ashley Kingsey
Ashley Kingsey


If there’s anything on social media that captivates people more than images, it is video. Just think how many times you have stumbled across another funny piece that sucked you in for at least a couple of minutes. It’s because videos are super engaging. Either entertaining or educative, they are easy to consume and can deliver tons of useful information while you just sit back and relax.

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