
Natalie Lesyk
Natalie Lesyk

How to Start a Social Media Site With Ning

Social media is a primary vector of the digital world future. By 2021 the number of social media users is estimated to exceed 3 billion. At the same time, big names like Facebook and Instagram make it more obvious that their development strategy focuses on connecting people with their peers rather than connecting people with brands. The shift has started to be noticed in 2014 and has become more visible every day since then, leading to significant drops in the organic reach and engagement for the posts on business pages.

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Natalie Lesyk
Natalie Lesyk

10 Key Points Where Social Medias Like Facebook May Fail to Deliver the Best Solutions

Undeniably, there are a few players that have managed to attract every year millions of users and have shaped to a large extent social media landscape. They have gained such a significant market share that the term social media began to be considered a synonym with their brand names.

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Natalie Lesyk
Natalie Lesyk

How to Boost Your Brand Using a Social Network Platform in 10 Steps

Over the last years, social media seems to have become a constant in our day-to-day life, and one cannot stop from asking oneself: is social media just a buzz that will pass just like it emerged or is it here to stay?

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Gregory Mount
Gregory Mount

Free Social Media Monitoring Tools to Improve Your Results

Marketing world has changed a lot. Technological advancements make people use social media more and more often. Now, when people are literally living on their smartphones, there are no doubts: social media can be a perfect place for marketing your business. Read this informative guide about social media tools you can install to market your Ning network.

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Ally Windsea
Ally Windsea

Guide to B2B Content Marketing

The business-to-business market skills are quite unique. Especially when we are talking about B2B content marketing. Today, businesses from all over the world, market their products and services online, that’s why it is important to know how the B2B content works, and how to make it effective. Read this B2B content marketing guide to know how to use it for your Ning network.

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Ally Windsea
Ally Windsea

How to Create a Social Network And Start to Enjoy Big Online Party

Ever wondered how to create a social network and not to feel like you are working your tail off? It’s a lot like a party, and we will teach you here how to become a real party maker. Ning gives you a place for hosting this social network party. You just have to follow our guidelines and learn how to have a blast!

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